Lost Soccer Ball

missing on 10/22 after 10:00AM game at Lake Braddock Lower

Lost Soccer Ball

Lost: pink and white size 3 soccer ball, with name 'Avery Bartos' printed on the ball

Where:  Lake Braddock Lower field, after 10:00 AM game on 10/22

Contact:  maria.m.bartos@gmail.com

BRYC Isn't for Losers...It's for Finders Too

BRYC Isn't for Losers...It's for Finders Too

Lose something at the field?  The first thing you need to do is look in the field shed or storage box.  If it's not there, or if you find something and want to locate an owner, just email the BRYC Webmaster to have an item listed as lost or found on the web page dedicated to just that. Include the date, a brief description of the item lost or found, the location, and your contact information.  

Don't miss the chance to report found items or claim lost ones. Notify the webmaster if you find something, and check the Lost and Found page if you’re missing something.  We're doing our best to reunite owners with their possessions.
