Youth Soccer Safety is More Than Shinguards!

BRYC has mandatory safeguards at the fields, too.

Youth Soccer Safety is More Than Shinguards!

League Directors, coaches, and parents: To ensure successful implementation of our safety policies,we need your help as follows:

The Equipment Boxes:

Those lids are heavy.  Read the safety labels to the children and explain why they are not allowed near the boxes when open.

The Goals:

Falling soccer goals can and do injure and kill children!  BRYC’s soccer goals have bright warning labels as a reminder to anchor them properly and prohibit climbing on them.  Children are never allowed to move goals.  We also include goal safety information on the Setup and Takedown Safety Checklists. 

Setup/Takedown Safety Checklists:

Please make sure all coaches have received the Safety Checklists.
Confirm that coaches know it is mandatory to follow the actions listed. 
Remind coaches to teach parents (helping with setup/takedown) to follow the mandatory safety procedures.
Remind coaches that the Safety Checklist actions for soccer goals and field equipment boxes must also be followed when BRYC teams play on another club’s field.

Thank you for helping make every season safe for everyone in the Braddock Road Youth Club!

