U8 Guidelines (Important Information)

U8 Guidelines (Important Information)

The U8 age group uses the following general parameters:

· Size 3 Soccer Ball.

· Allowed one hour of practice time per week.

· Typical practice times are 5 to 6, 5:30-6:30, 6 to 7, or 6:30-7:30 pm (per coach request).

· Games are played 5v5 without a goalkeeper.  Two fields side-by-side.

· Minimum number of players required per team to start the game is three (3).

· Blow-out rule applies (see Coach Handbook, Parent Handbook, or P&P Manual on this website for details).

· Games consist of four, 12-minute quarters.  Total playing-time: 48 minutes.  There is no coin toss.  Each "blue" team starts the game with the ball (for kickoff) on the half of the field closest to the school. Each "blue" team starts the 2nd quarter in the same manner.

· At half-time, “silver” teams switch to the opposite field.  “Blue” teams stay put.  To start the 2nd half, each "silver" team starts with the ball (for kickoff) on the half of the field closest to the school. Each "silver" team starts the 4th quarter in the same manner.

· Throw-ins are used for balls that go out-of-bounds along the side of the field (“kick-ins” are not used).

· No player may enter the goal area before the ball does; that is, players cannot “camp out” in the area in front of the goal. The goal area is directly in front of the goal, marked by a half-circle from the goal line. Players may enter this area to either score with the ball, or to prevent a score as the ball is entering/has entered the half-circle goal area.

· Heading the ball is prohibited in games and in practices. A ball that is “headed” by a player whether purposefully or accidentally is adjudicated by the referee as applicable.

· A build-out line is utilized for goal kicks. The attacking team’s players (those not taking the goal kick) are to move behind this line. The ball is “in play” when it is kicked and clearly moves; attacking players are then free to pursue the ball. Those taking a goal kick may wait for players to move behind the line, or can take the kick quickly if they choose.

· A goal kick is taken anywhere inside the half-circle goal area (includes the line).

· Offside law does not apply at U8.

· There are no penalty kicks.

· Free substitutions are allowed – with permission of the referee – at the following times:

o Prior to a throw-in: by either team,

o Prior to a goal-kick taken: by either team,

o Prior to a corner-kick taken: by either team,

o After a goal scored: by either team,

o After an injury, for the injured player only and only when the referee stops the play, and

o At the start of each quarter or at half-time.

· Coaches or other adults (besides the referee) are to remain off the field during game-time. Coaching is not to be done on the field of play.

· No person is allowed to stand next-to or directly behind the goal. Spectators are to be a pre-determined distance behind the goal(s) or along the outer sidelines. No spectators are allowed between the two fields of play: coaches, players, referees only.

· No jewelry of any kind is allowed (includes watches and Fitbits). Earrings may NOT be taped down. Earrings MUST be removed.  A player cannot play with earrings.

· Shin guards must be worn, covered completely by socks, during all practices and games.

· Soccer cleats are not required, but recommended.  Sneakers are OK.  Metal cleats, or cleats with “toe” studs are not allowed (e.g., baseball cleats or “American football” cleats).

· Two adults must be present at all team activities.

· Medical Liability/Treatment Forms must be carried by coach/assistant coach at all team activities.

· Pets of any kind are NOT allowed
