Inclement Weather Policy

Inclement Weather Policy

When inclement weather threatens play, BRYC officials walk the fields early game day morning to assess playing conditions. If adverse conditions at a field--usually, substantial amounts of standing water--are determined to pose a threat of injury to the players or damage to the field, all games scheduled at the field for the entire day are canceled and an announcement is placed on the BRYC hotline 703-354-7101) and it will be updated at 7:00 a.m. Note that BRYC officials may cancel games at certain fields, while allowing games at other fields to proceed.

When BRYC officials determine fields are playable despite inclement weather conditions, a message that games will be played as scheduled is placed on the hotline. If inclement weather continues, the trainers, in consultation with the league director decides whether to proceed with the scheduled game. Games terminated after half of the game has been played are considered complete.

Thunder and Lightning Policy:
IN CASE OF THUNDER OR LIGHTNING IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA, PLAY WILL BE SUSPENDED IMMEDIATELY!! Everyone (no exceptions) must immediately leave the field, seek shelter in their vehicles, and wait 30 minutes. The 30-minute waiting period starts again if additional thunder/lightning is observed. If inclement weather persists, your trainers will terminate the session.
