2012 Spring Goalie Training

The "GOAL"... to Improve Keeper Skills

2012 Spring Goalie Training

As I watch games every season, I’m always dismayed when I see kids coming out of the game in tears because they’ve had to play the keeper position, and it didn’t go well. The skills required are somewhat specialized, and very few players have a natural aptitude for it. Yet, especially with the younger teams, everyone takes a turn in goal.

From a coach’s standpoint, the goal keeper position is one of the toughest positions to teach. In practice, coaches are trying to concentrate on the overall team dynamics, so to give one-on-one attention to ONE position is a luxury that most don’t have.

That’s why the Golden Boot Goalie Trainings are so important for our players. The sessions, led by a professional trainer, focus on keeper specific skills.

In past seasons the sessions, held on Sunday afternoons, have been woefully underutilized. So this season, we decided to move them to Friday nights. We have 22 players participating in the Goalie Trainings this season, and we even had a wait list!

It is my hope that every player will take this training at some point. At the very least, if our young players are given a little confidence in goal by taking this training, it may avoid some unnecessary tears and anxiety. And you never know when a player will discover they have a real gift in the goalie position... and come to love it!

Click on the CONTINUE link to see pictures from our Spring 2012 Golden Boot Goalie Training...




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