Friday Night Lights an Overwhelming Success

Record Turnout of 75 Boys Show Up for Action

Friday Night Lights an Overwhelming Success

February 17 --  As the winter weather continues to cooperate, Friday Night Lights soccer at Wakefield Park continues to attract the crowds...growing from good-sized turnouts of 40 or so in December to an almost unbelievable (and new record) 75 players this Friday night.  Even splitting the field into thirds and playing 9v9 can't accommodate everyone at once.  But the good spirit and good sportsmanship on the field, and cameraderie on the sidelines as well, each Friday night is something to behold.

Thanks for head organizer Coach John Kelleher, assisted by fellow U16/19 Boys coaches Bob Brennis and Ricky Ramirez, for their continued organization.  What started out as as a loose-knit fill-in between seasons has obviously filled a need and turned into a major event each and every week for a group of boys including a mix of current and former BRYC U16/19 players, joined by various guests recently including a contingent from the Robinson and Woodson High School teams.  The photo below was taken at one of last month's gatherings of close to forty boys.  Imagine twice that many!

Coach Kelleher invites anyone who hasn’t yet participated to join the group, and has started a BRYC Soccer Alumni Group that anyone can join, already boasting over 90 mimbers.  Simply click on this Facebook Link for more information
