Fall Season is Underway

Ralph Schuetz Returns to BRYC as Social Media Coordinator and Web Feature Writer

Fall Season is Underway

The weekend of Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9 saw the return to action for most BRYC Rec Soccer teams. A little dampness in the air wasn't going to bother anyone. The kids were ready to go and their parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters, were equally excited about the return to the pitch.

Former Webmaster and All Star Tournament Coordinator for many years, Ralph Schuetz, (pictured, 2nd from left, at a DC United game, along with long time Director or Referees John Davis, League Commissioner James Sullivan, and Director of Training and U4 League Director Joan Smith Sullivan), who has missed his long-time friends and fellow volunteers on the EXCOM for the past five years or so, has returned to BRYC to fill the long-vacant role of Social Media Coordinator and Web Feature Writer, not to speak of photographer. He joins Tim Eagle (Deputy Commissioner of the Mini-Kickers Division), Elizabeth Giuliani (Budget Coordinator and member of the BRYC Board), the aforementioned Joan Smith Sullivan, and newcomer-Webmaster Latasha Beckman, among others, in working to keep up both the BRYC Rec Soccer web page web page and its Facebook page as well. 

His first efforts were at U8 Girls and U8 Boys games at Winterset Varsity Park on opening day. Major photo galleries are now posted on the BRYC Soccer Facebook Page, "BRYC Soccer". You're invited to "follow" BRYC for what we hope will be weekly photo galleries, supplementing feature stories on this web page, with articles and photos of general interest. We'll try to cover all the action, from our youngest to our most experienced players, from the Rec and ODSL programs, not to speak of special events including Coaches Games, Uniform Night, Photo Day, pre-season Coaches' Meetings, occasional DC United and Washington Spirit games, and all the activites that make BRYC one of the most respectedand top rated clubs in the area.

This week's featured web photos (below) are of some very happy kids wearing BRYC's new uniforms. Not required to be worn until the Spring 2019 season, nonetheless there are a number of players who have already pruchased them and were excited to show them off on opening day,. Annabelle from the Soccer Queens and Riker and Zayd from the Dragon Warriers looked mighty good. (The boys' coaches, Eric and Edgar, were coaching the next game after Schuetz had already taken well over 200 photos, and didn't need any more, but are also pictured below.)

If you have any comments or ideas for web features we'd love to hear from you. Click on the "Contact" link to the navigation menu on the left and scoll down. And don't forget to check out the "new and improved" Facebook page, "BRYC Soccer", even if you're not a U8 parent. What a nice group of kids, parents and grandparents they were. Schuetz is glad to be back!

