Ready for the Fall Season?

If They Haven't Done So Already, Coaches Should Be Calling Very Soon

Ready for the Fall Season?

At the semi-annual Coaches' Meeting on August 20 in anticipation of the Fall Season, well over 100 BRYC coaches, including a fair number of first-timers, met with League Directors and other BRYC EXCOM members to receive their "marching orders" for the upcoming year, most importantly including their rosters and practice schedules. Commissioner James Sullivan (right) told them that their very first order of business was to make contact with their team members so that everyone knows their registration has been processed correctly and they have been assigned.

Realizing that some coaches were on vacation at the time of the meeting and others would be going on vacation over the following two weeks, nonetheless the league's goal is to have had all players notified by the end of August. If you haven't heard from a coach by Wednesday, August 26, feel free to contact the League Director indentified both on your age group page (under one of the drop-down menus for Mini-Kickers, Junior or Senior Divisions above) or also listed at the bottom of the "Contacts" page linked here and to the left. Fields are now open for practice as soon as the coaches are back from their own vacations and as soon as they can get their teams organized. The first games of the season are on Saturday, September 12.

