Fall Season Ends on a Chilly November Saturday

Start of Spring Season Just Four Months Away!

Fall Season Ends on a Chilly November Saturday

The webmaster realized that he'd been remiss in not posting any action photos this season so on the final Saturday he ventured across the street to get a few pictures of the final game of the season for the U12 Boys.  Greeting the blue team assistant coach at the end of the game the Webmaster asked for the team name. "What?" he replied. "What's the team name?" the webmaster asked again.  "Yes," replied the coach.  Cute!  So much more creative than the Dragons, let alone United!  Somewhat fearful that he might be told that the team was coached by "Who!", the webmaster didn't ask but later learned that the squad was actually ably coached this season by Jennifer Sullivan.  
Meanwhile, the webmaster learned that the gray team, coached by Omar Khalil, was so focused on the game that had never even bothered giving themselves a name this season.  The coach told the webmaster they were known simply as "Team 4".  So, at the bottom of the story, press"Continue" for a few more action photos of "Team 4" vs. "What?"  Then start thinking about team names for the spring season!

Thanks to all our fall season coaches who we hope will be returning in the spring, and to all our referees as well, including Bob Heyer, BRYC coach and referee par excellence for more years than he can remember, refereeing the U12 Boys game alongside ARs Harrison and Andrew Porth.




