BRYC Sweeps Braddock District Champions of Character Awards

Parent, Coach, and Athletes Receive Well Deserved Recognition

BRYC Sweeps Braddock District Champions of Character Awards

In a ceremony in the atrium of the Fairfax County Government Center, Braddock District "Champions of Character" awards were present to middle-school football player Matthew Orjuela, former recreational soccer League Director and still very active parent Beth McHale, U19 Girls recreational soccer player Marisa George, and NVSL coach, U6 coach, not to mention "Friday Night Lights" organizer, John Kelleher. Joining the honorees in the photo are Fairfax County Braddock District Supervisor, John Cook; Fairfax County Director of the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, Chris Leonard; and former BRYC President, now Braddock District Representative on the Fairfax County Athletic Council, Marcia Pape. For more on each of the honorees, follow the link to the complete story on the home page.
