Fall Season Game Schedules

Note to Parents and Coaches: They Just Might (and Some Definitely Will!) Change

Fall Season Game Schedules

With just one week before opening day on Saturday, September 7, BRYC (particularly Fields Coordinator Trish Moxie and Referee Director John Davis) is working hard toward publishing final game schedules.  But there’s been a hitch.  Due to a number of factors, in particular that we have not  yet received a use permit for Saturdays at Wakefield Park, all of our U13 to U19 schedules will almost certainly change from the drafts currently being passed around and posted for review by our League Directors and Coaches.   Once we have space at Wakefield, the dominoes will fall!  

For the younger set, the U5 coed and U6 boys and girls game locations cannot be decided until we determine which fields will be available (pending completion of turf field construction at Woodson HS, for example), though their game times can be set now so, for planning purposes, it’s really just a matter of location.

Happily, U7 through U12 schedules are not affected by the delays noted above and will be available and posted very soon.  Please pass this information on to anyone who says they have seen their game schedules – they might just be drafts and may be changed. Thank you for your understanding.
