BRYC Sponsors Summer Player Development Camp

BRYC Exclusive Opportunity July 29-August 2

BRYC Sponsors Summer Player Development Camp

BRYC is very focused on trying to give our kids every opportunity to grow as players. We have been beefing up our training for players with more offerings like footskills, goalie training at introductory levels and higher levels, and more focused training from professional trainers through our partnership with Golden Boot. 

This summer BRYC is partnering with Golden Boot to hold a BRYC Exclusive Summer Camp, to be held the week of July 29-August 2 from 9am - 12pm, with sessions for players of all ages... U4-U19. The younger players will have a Mini-Kickers Camp with a choice between two 90-minute sessions. The older age groups will have a single three-hour Player Development session.  It’s going to be right in our backyards... at Lake Braddock Lower, and Golden Boot is giving our players a $20 discount on the cost!  

For more details head to our Player Development page.  Do it quickly!  We are well over half full for the camp, so sign-up soon!
