BRYC Coach's Challenge Brings Out the Best

Boys' Coaches Defeat Girls' Coaches...But a Good Time Was Had By All

BRYC Coach's Challenge Brings Out the Best

More than two dozen BRYC's coaches took to the field on Saturday, December 15 to play the 2nd Annual Fall Coach's Challenge. The Boys' coaches, perhaps annoyed at losing the Spring Challenge, came back with a vengeance and won the Fall Challenge 5-0.  Martin Quiroz scored the first goal for the boys, and later scored on a PK (a well-placed shot into the far right side of the goal) awarded for a handball foul in the box. The correspondent (a girls' coach who would rather forget) failed to note who scored the other three goals...but if any coach really wants to be recognized he/she may advise the webmaster and the story will be duly updated.

Though the score was one-sided, the game was very well played on both sides, with enough players for 11v11 full-field action...but very few subs.   The coaches on both sides played an enthusiastic game... and there was lots of enthusiasm on the sidelines as well, with one group of kids shouting "Go Daddy!  every time he came their way. Former Junior Division Deputy Commissioner (and current Equipment Coordinator) Craig Willett officiated the game, doing a great job, though the aforementioned correspondent believes he could have called more fouls for the Boys' coaches.

The Coach's Challenge was started two years ago by Training Director Joan Smith (seen below cutting the celebratory cake she'd baked for the occasion) as a way of saying "Thank You" to our club coaches and their families for all they give to the youth of our area. It also is a good way for our coaches to get to know each other and play the game they love.  Every coach at the Challenge was entered in a drawing for one of six $50 gift certificates donated by Dick's Sporting Goods. The winners were David Burns, Brian Godlove, Danny Mathapha, Tom Rezentes, Scott Saratt, and Craig Willett. Congratulations to them, and a big "Thank You" to Dick's Sporting Goods for their support of BRYC Recreational Soccer! 

The coaches enjoyed the game so much that several asked if BRYC could arrange a game once a month during the off season.  Watch for more information on that! If you weren't able to join us for the game,maybe you'll be able to make it for another winter game if it comes to pass.

A heart-felt THANK YOU to ALL our BRYC coaches and volunteers! We sincerely appreciate your dedication and commitment to the program, and to youth sports. The BRYC Executive Committee hopes that you all have a happy and safe holiday season, full of family and fun. We look forward to seeing you back on the pitch in the spring.


