Saturday Games Washed Out....To Be Rescheduled

A Few Teams See Action on Sunday

Saturday Games Washed Out....To Be Rescheduled

September 24 -- After over two inches of rain on Friday made fields too soft for play on Saturday, it was a relief to see clear skies on Sunday afternoon when the all of the U12 Boys and some of the U16/19 Girls saw action, making up games rained out in the first week of the season. The webmaster took in a contest between the "She Devils" and a team from Vienna Youth Soccer (VYS), playing in the High School Girls House Soccer League (HSGHSL) at Lake Braddock Park.

Ably coached by Senior Division Deputy Commissioner Doug Alcorn, assisted by former BRYC Rec Soccer Commissioner Mac Squires, the She Devils came out strong against the Vienna team which played much of the game with only nine girls. The BRYC squad prevailed by a final score of 6-1.

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