U5 Soccer Players Face Competition for the First Time

Future Donovans, Messies, Wambachs, and Hamms Take the Field

U5 Soccer Players Face Competition for the First Time

September 17 -- About four years ago BRYC became one of the first local clubs to offer U4 Developmental Soccer within its Recreational Soccer program.  A handful of boys and girls play with professional instructors at the tender age of three, leading to a better experience for both players and parent coaches when the kids are more "mature" at age four and experiencing "competition" for the first time.

Now at the U5 level, the players have already learned that soccer is played with their feet, not their hands. They know how to kick the ball with either foot. They know that that their teammates are the kids wearing the same color jersey. And they know that the object of the game is to kick the ball into the net.




On Saturday, while the older kids are intent on the score, the U5’s are getting their first taste of  competition, and loving it!

Somewhere down the road every parent probably hopes his or her child will be the next Landon Donovan or Abby Wambach. But whether they continue to play in the recreational soccer program or go on to travel soccer and beyond, they had to start somewhere. Thanks to Dan Lemieux (a coach in the U12 Boys Division), whose younger son plays on the creatively named "Elephants, Tigers and Giraffes", for some photos of their first game vs. the "Little Kickers", to supplement the webmasters’s own photos of the Dragons taking on the Lightning. (For a larger photo gallery, click on "Continue" below".

If you’d like to see photos of your child or grandchild on the BRYC web site, snap a few and send them to the webmaster at brycstars@aol.com, along with just a few words about the team, the game, the coach, or anything else of interest. The webmaster is always looking for photos...and can’t make it to more than one or two games each weekend.


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