BRYC Innaugurates Play on Pine Ridge Park Turf

U14 Girls "Nightmares" Participate in Dedication Ceremonies

BRYC Innaugurates Play on Pine Ridge Park Turf

The Fairfax County Parks Department has just completed artificial turf and light installation on one of three soccer fields at Pine Ridge Park on Woodburn Road in Annandale (near the Fairfax Hospital).  Because of the shortage of turf fields in the area, the county’s Department of Community and Recreation Services, which allocates athletic fields, has a policy giving youth groups priority for synthetic fields from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays when the demand is highest.  They have allocated BRYC Recreational Soccer each Saturday, to complement the time BRYC is allocated at Wakefield Park.  BRYC is grateful for the field allocation which will allow games to be played even when rain might close other fields this fall.  BRYC innaugurated play on September 18 with Coach Dave Patecell’s U19 Girls, followed by SFL action for Coach Andy Dimond’s U16 Boys (team pictured below after their 1-0 victory over Fairfax) and Coach John Kelleher’s U19 Boys who fought to a 2-2 tie vs. Vienna. 

Because of the county’s priority policy, the Fairfax Women’s Soccer Association (FWSA) who’ve played soccer at Pine Ridge Park on Saturdays for 20 years, is losing one of the three fields on which they have played and which they maintained as a grass field under an "Adopt-a-Field" agreement with the county.  As long time friends and supporters of FWSA (including partnerning on the turf installation at Wakefield Park), BRYC is attempting to work with the organization to accommodate their needs at nearby Winterset Park.

Formal dedication of the park’s new facilities came on October 16 when, with a game going on behind them, members of Coach Megan Kipp’s U14 Girls squad, the Nightmares, joined dignitaries in the field’s opening ceremony.  Pictured from left to right are Nightmares players Morgan P. and Melissa F., Project Manager Eric Brunner from the Fairfax County Park Authority, Mason District Park Authority Board Member Frank Vajda, Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Sharon Bulova, former Head Commissioner of the Fairfax Women’s Soccer Association Ruth Walton, Rose Purple, Chairman of the Pine Ridge Park Association, and Nightmares players Connie K., Julia M., and Erin S.  
